Quotes: Radio, TV and in online/print media (excluding press releases)
- On the 2024 Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) results, Drive 774, ABC radio, 18 November, 10 December, 2024
- On the 2024 Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) results, all major Victorian television stations and newspapers 18 November, 27 November, 10 December, 2024
- On regional equity of access to professional learning, WinTV and 3BA radio, August 8, 2024
- On equity policy development in Australian higher education, Times Higher Education, November 1, 2023.
- On federal Minister’s remarks about teachers (Op. Ed), The Age, March 24, 2022
- On beating sexism in the academy Times Higher Education, May 14, 2021.
- On the success of the innovative Block model during COVID-19, The Australian, May 12, 2020
- On reimagining traditional learning and teaching approaches, Campus Review, September 12, 2019.
- On lessons for transforming education. Campus Review, June 7, 2019.
- On students choosing to study what they enjoy regardless of high ATARs. Sydney Morning Herald, February 14, 2019.
- On Victoria University’s reforms. Australian Financial Review, Robert Bolton, February 11, 2019.
- On the success of Victoria University’s transformational new Block Model of education and progress on the Enterprise Agreement negotiations. The Australian, Sian Powell, January 23, 2019.
- On the VU Guarantee to a place. The Australian, September 19, 2018.
- On students dropping out of university. Big Ideas, ABC Radio, July-August, 2018.
- On reducing violence. Star Weekly. August, 2018.
- On women in executive leadership. Universities Australia, October 30, 2017.
- On micro credentialing for regional students. Media Centre for Education Research, May 1, 2017
- On my research on regional student attrition on radio ABC Gippsland, April 3, 2017.
- On financial stress driving regional student drop out in The Australian, March 29, 2017.
- On typical university students, in response to my article in The Conversation. ABC Gippsland Radio, March 1, 2017.
- On typical university students, ABC Canberra, in response to an article in The Conversation, February 28, 2017.
- On growth and completions at FedUni. The Courier.
- On the growth of first preferences for FedUni from students in 2017 and reasons for slower completions of regional students. ABC Western Victoria. January 19, 2017.
- On completion rates of university students. The Age. January 18, 2017.
- On completion rates of regional students compared to metropolitan students. Breakfast with Red Symons ABC. January 18, 2017
- On regional and remote students, equity and a pop-up panel at the National Press Club. Campus Review. November 22, 2016
- On how the university looks after the needs of First in Family students. The Courier. June 21, 2016.
- On how FedUni Gippsland campus has grown student numbers since the merger with Monash Gippsland. ABC Gippsland. March 16, 2016
- On how parents can best support new university students. ABC Gippsland. February 24, 2016.
- On the three research grants won by FedUni from the HEPPP National Priorities Pool. Radio and Digital ABC Gippsland. February 10, 2016.
- On funding for students from low SES backgrounds in the Horsham area. Buloke Times. February 9, 2016.
- On two research grants I won related to the support of students from low SES backgrounds. La Trobe Valley Express. Feb 8, 2016.
- On ‘High Degree Cheating’. Radio National Life Matters, April 13, 2015.
- On ATARs. ABC News24 TV, January 23, 2015
- On branding of the university. ABC News Gippsland. January 21, 2015.
- On ATARs. The Age. January 20, 2015.
- On options for tertiary students. WIN TV News, January 19, 2015
- On ATARs. 3AW with Tom Elliott. January 19, 2015
- On the use of ATARs and entry requirements. January 19, 2015 Mornings with Jon Faine.
- On the increase in direct applications. The Age, January, 19, 2015.
- On the acceptance of students with low ATARs. 3BA. January 19, 2015.
- On ATAR scores. The Australian. January 19, 2015.
- On life after Year 12/The ATAR. Radio National Life Matters, October 17, 2014.
- On attrition rates from universities. The Age, March 30, 2014.
- On the launch of Federation University Australia. ABC Radio Ballarat, January, 2014.
- On the launch of Federation Online. ABC Radio Gippsland, 15 October 2013.
- On the return of mature age women to study. Prevention Magazine. September, 2012.
- On the retention of students from low socioeconomic status in The Age on May 1, 2012.
- On leadership of teaching and learning in universities in Campus Review on March 12, 2012.
- On the use of staff student ratios as a measure of teaching quality in The Australian on February 15, 2012.
- On enrolment in regional campuses in The Australian on February 1, 2012, p. 23.
- On how students might manage if they don’t get the tertiary entrance score they want, need or expect (‘Different Pathways’) on Life Matters, ABC radio, interviewed by Richard Aedy, 12th December, 2011.
- On the deregulated market and course structure in The Age On November 22, 2011.
- On the judicious use of humour in the classroom/teaching, 8 September, 2011, in Melbourne City News 2(8), p.15.
- On drop-out rates for disadvantaged students, 1 September, 2011, in The Australian.
- On location as a measure of equity, 5 July, 2011, in The Australian.
- On the national project I am leading on teaching and supporting students from low socioeconomic backgrounds, In ALTC News, 1 May, 2011
- On DEEWR statistics on applications from students from low socioeconomic backgrounds, 2 May, 2011, in Campus Review 21(8), p. 8.
- On women in the professoriate, 1 March, 2011, in The Age.
- On the relationship between entry scores and demand for disciplines, 24 February, 2011 in The Brisbane Times.
- On student poverty, 8 February, 2011, in Campus Review, p. 13.
- On a national grant to examine teaching and supporting students from low socioeconomic backgrounds at university, December 8, 2010 in The Australian.
- On students considering studying at university from primary school onwards, November 24, 2010, in The Australian.
- On what makes a university ‘great’, November 9, 2010, in The Age.
- On university funding and quality, October 25, 2010, in The Australian.
- On underfunding of universities, October 23, 2010, in The Australian.
- On the costs of university drop-out rates, October 20, 2010 in The Australian.
- On school equity outreach programs, October 13, 2010, in The Australian.
- On Australia’s performance on international university rankings, September 15, 2010 in The Australian.
- On the potential effects of the outcome of the federal election on higher education, 23 August, 2010 in Campus Review.
- On Go8 suggestions about the future of higher education, 21 June, 2010, in Campus Review.
- On unified protocols for the tertiary sector in Australia, 26 April, 2010, in Campus Review.
- On the Group of Eight proposal to make changes to the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships program (HEPPP), March 24, 2010, in The Australian.
- On the My University website proposal, March 16, 2010, in Campus Review.
- On the My University website proposal, March 3, 2010, in The Australian.
- On the federal government’s proposed indicators for measuring teaching quality. January 13, 2010, in The Australian.
- On the federal government direction and performance in relation to higher education, December 14, 2009, in Campus Review.
- On figures for university participation and completion by gender and socioeconomic status, September 14, 2009 in Campus Review.
- On compacts to be negotiated between universities and the government, August 5, 2009 in The Australian
- On Indigenous Vocational Education and Training participation, July 13, 2009, in Campus Review.
- On sessional teaching and student engagement, May 13, 2009 in The Australian.
- On the federal government’s equity targets, May 6, 2009 in The Australian.
- On international rankings, April 22, 2009 in The Australian.
- On curriculum renewal in universities, April 6, 2009, in Campus Review.
- On Christopher Pyne’s Higher Education Congress speech on equity, March 30, 2009, in Campus Review.
- On improvement in Indigenous school completion, in Campus Review.
- On Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s speech on equity in March 2009 on ABC Radio.
- On Indigenous students, March 3, 2009, on National Indigenous Radio Service Satellite News Service.
- On the Bradley Review of higher education, September 10, 2008, in The Australian.
- On a national approach to improving equity, August 13, 2008, in The Australian.
- On minimum standards of equity for all universities, July 30, 2008, in The Australian.
- On a proposed national equity performance fund, July 23, 2008, in The Australian.
Podcasts/Video Interviews
Raising the profile of teachers through the Academy with Professor Selena Bartlett, January, 2022
Gender Equality with Bree Gorman Equity and Diversity, September, 2021.
Beating the Odds with HEDx and Campus Review, May, 2021.
Student Peer Support and Mentoring with the Peer Program Network of STARS, May 2021.
Do the Right Thing with the Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training, November, 2020.
Devlin, M. (2023). Is teaching a dirty word in higher education? Needed Now in Higher Education (August 27)
Devlin, M. (August, 2022). The road to sustainable leadership. Australian Educational Leader (44) 10-14.
Devlin, M. March 28, 2022). Some (other) facts about teachers and teaching. The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.
Devlin, M. (June 2, 2021). Time to gender parity has blown out to 135 years. Here’s what women can do to close the gap. The Conversation.
Betts, M. and Devlin, M. (June 2, 2021). What is needed to even the odds? Campus Review.
Devlin, M.. (May 14, 2021). Female leaders, thrown those ‘boys’ undermining you a curveball. Times Higher Education.
Devlin, M.( May, 2021). How to make manterrupters aware of their annoying habit. Women’s Agenda.
Devlin, M. (March 8, 2021) No change at the top for university leaders as men outnumber women 3 to 1. The Conversation.
Devlin, M. (October 9, 2020) The future of University teaching. Campus Review
Devlin, M. (June 15, 2020). Pauses, pivots and possibilities in post-COVID higher education. Campus Review
Devlin, M. (April 20, 2020). Why universities shouldn’t simply return to the ‘old normal’ post pandemic. Campus Review.
Devlin, M. (September 16, 2019). The end of lectures?, Campus Review.
Devlin, M. and McKay, J. (March 29, 2017). Remedies for low retention rates in the regions The Australian.
Devlin, M. (February 26, 2017). The typical university student is no longer 18,middle-class and on campus – we need to change thinking on ‘drop-outs’. The Conversation.
Devlin, M. (February 17, 2017). This is the true value of mentors and female story-telling. Women’s Agenda.
Devlin, M. (November 15, 2016). Women in power? Hope is needed, and it will help. Women’s Agenda.
Devlin, M. (October 26, 2016). Four reasons to help other women in their careers. Women’s Agenda.
Devlin, M. (October 11, 2016). Why telling the truth about your leadership journey is important. Women’s Agenda.
Devlin, M. (June 27, 2016). What is happening with higher education in this election? EduResearch Matters.
Devlin, M. (April 11, 2016). ATAR is a marketing tool: Four reasons to stop obsessing about it. EduResearch Matters.
Devlin, M. (April 10, 2016). Retaining students to graduation is not a simple formula. The Age.
Devlin, M. (February 28, 2016). Innovation needs to be the new black in universities. The Age & SM Herald
Devlin, M. (December 2, 2016). Best pathway to university for disadvantaged students. EduResearch Matters
Devlin, M. (August 9, 2015). Why a low ATAR is not the end of the world for students or universities. The Age.
Devlin, M. (April 20, 2015). Education debate must focus on university exit standards. The Age.
Devlin, M. (March 9, 2015) Today, a ‘typical’ university student could be anyone. The Age.
Devlin, M. (January, 19, 2015). The ‘truth’ about ATARs. National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education.
Devlin, M. (June 9, 2014). Pyne’s reforms and their ugly repercussions. The Age
Devlin, M. (February 21, 2014). The Chair: Uni entry and the great ATAR myth. The Age (syndicated by 60+ publications)
Devlin, M. (November 1, 2013). How do I tell my family I don’t want to study medicine? The Age.
Devlin, M. (October 4, 2013). Pursuit of excellence. The Age.
Devlin, M. (September 12, 2013). Rethinking the role of the university teacher. The Chair. The Age:
Devlin, M. (August 22, 2013). Any Questions? The Age.
Devlin, M. (July 26, 2013). Work in progress. The Age.
Devlin, M. (May 10, 2013). Time for online teaching. The Age.
Devlin, M. (March 22, 2013). Online but off course. The Age.
Devlin, M. (January 18, 2013). Use your head to stay on course. The Age.
Devlin, M. (December 11, 2012). Internet helps refugee students. Campus Review 22(4), p.18.
Devlin, M. (November 20, 2012). Old lessons for a new age. The Age.
Devlin, M. (October 23, 2012). Online learning calls for new set of skills. The Age.
Devlin, M. (September, 25, 2012). Time for bosses to adopt a more worldly view. The Age.
Devlin, M. (August 7, 2012). Why the net effect shows the way ahead. The Age.
Devlin, M. (June 26, 2012). Why universities much reach out to a new class. The Age.
Devlin, M. (May 29, 2012). A Socratic lesson on the future of higher education. The Age.
Gribble, C., Blackmore, J., Farrell, L., Devlin, M., Arber, R. and Rahimi, M. (May 28, 2012). Work barriers block international students. Campus Review
Devlin, M. (May 28, 2012). Practical help for the disadvantaged. Campus Review:
Devlin, M. (April 17, 2012). The Chair (On universities’ management of sessional teachers). The Age.
Devlin, M. (March 13, 2012). The Chair (On the funding, and public perceptions of, universities). The Age.
Devlin, M. (March 6, 2012). Seven secrets of great teaching unis. The Australian.
Devlin, M. (January 16, 2012). First year: A survival guide. The Age.
Devlin, M. (2011). Targeting effective teaching and support of students from LSES status. HERDSA News
Devlin, M. (November 29, 2011). Call for policy change on disadvantaged students. Campus Review 21(23), 10.
Devlin, M. (November 16, 2011). Keys found to success by the less privileged. The Australian.
Devlin, M. (September 13, 2011). Counting the cost. The Age.
Devlin, M. (August 30, 2011). Looking for the starting line. The Age.
Devlin, M. (August 24, 2011). We need to go deeper on teaching. The Australian.
Devlin, M. (May 10, 2011). All in the family, The Age.
Devlin, M. (April 5, 2011). How can I improve my teaching? The Age.
Devlin, M. (March 29, 2011) Help, I need to cram. The Age.
Devlin, M. (March 1, 2011). I’m new to uni…and confused. The Age.
Devlin, M. and Davies, M.(February 24, 2011). Is Interdisciplinary Higher Education the Next Big Thing? In Depth: The Melbourne University Newsroom
Devlin, M. (February 22, 2011). A lecturer wants to climb the ladder. The Age.
Devlin, M. (February 14, 2011). So what’s a degree? The Age.
Devlin, M. (February 8, 2011). I’m new to uni – please help. The Age.
Devlin, M. (November 29, 2010). Helping with the transition. The Age.
Devlin, M. (November 22, 2010). Peering over my shoulder. The Age.
Devlin, M. (November 17, 2010). Funding guidelines all smoke and mirrors. The Australian.
Devlin, M. (November 16, 2010). How do I deal with a class of 500? The Age.
Devlin, M. (November 9, 2010). Accentuate the positive. The Age.
Devlin, M. (November 2, 2010). Problems for the ages. The Age.
Devlin, M. (October 26, 2010). At sea in a foreign country. The Age.
Devlin, M. (October 18, 2010). The novelty of uni wears thin. The Age.
Devlin, M. (October 11, 2010). A note on absent students. The Age.
Devlin, M. (October 5, 2010). What will happen to standards? The Age.
Devlin, M. (29 September, 2010). Improved access needs on campus support. The Australian.
Devlin, M. (27 September, 2010). I’m barely surviving. The Age.
Devlin, M. (21 September, 2010). Publish and be grand. The Age.
Devlin, M. (13 September, 2010). Where do you draw the line on plagiarism? The Age.
Devlin, M. (7 September, 2010). My daughter doesn’t seem engaged in her course. The Age.
Devlin, M. (30 August, 2010). How can I tell if my students are learning anything? The Age.
Devlin, M. (23 August, 2010). Can I beat the law? The Age.
Devlin, M. (17 August, 2010). I’m off to uni next year but which one? The Age.
Devlin, M. (7 March, 2010). De-mystifying the university. University World News.
Devlin, M. (1 February, 2010). Indicating quality. Article on the national teaching performance indicators proposed by the federal government, Campus Review.
Devlin, M. (November 23, 2009). Career conundrum. Article for staff on becoming research active. The Age.
Devlin, M. (October 26, 2009). Closer engagement. The Age.
Devlin, M. (October 25, 2009). Higher education in 2029. Article on the future of higher education in Australia. University World News.
Devlin, M. (October 12, 2009). Overcoming failure. Article on managing fail grades The Age.
Devlin, M. and Lee, N. (September, 2009). Powerful professional development. Communique.
Devlin, M. (. July 20, 2009). Research under microscope. Article on the ERA initiative. The Age.
Devlin, M. and Oriel, J. (June 22, 2009). Right on target. On low SES partnership principles. Campus Review.
Devlin, M. (June 22, 2009). Too ill to write. Quandary column. The Age.
Devlin, M. (June 3, 2009). Engaging with campus life. Quandary column. The Age.
Devlin, M. (March 31, 2009). Whole new world at uni. Tertiary Talk. The Warrnambool Standard, p.12.
Devlin, M. (March 30, 2009). The shock of the new. The Age.
Devlin, M. (March 9, 2009). Friendships help make transitions easier. The Age.
Devlin, M. (March 1, 2009). What works (article on Indigenous higher education). Campus Review.
Devlin, M. (February 23, 2009). I’m finally here – get me out of here (article on transition to university), The Age.
Devlin, M. (February 9, 2009). Uncovering a pathway to university, The Age.
Devlin, M. and Nagy, J. (February 9, 2009). English competency – It’s not that simple. Campus Review.
Devlin, M. (2008, December 1). Time to get fair dinkum about a fair go, The Age.
Devlin, M. (2008, November 26). Class Struggle, The Australian:
Devlin, M. (2008, August 20). Uneven approach to equity. The Australian.
Devlin, M. (2008, July 15). Not wasting the opportunity (on Indigenous HE). Campus Review 18(58) 3.
Devlin, M. (2008, June 24). Team teaching. (on peer review of teaching/the ALTC). Campus Review 18 (25), p. 6.
Devlin, M. (2008, April 23). Peers can teach a thing or two. The Australian Higher Education Supplement. p. 30.
Devlin, M. (2008, April 14). Choosing between Medicine and Law. The Age (Education section), p. 6.
Devlin, M. (2008, March 17). Indigenous school student choices. The Age (Education section), p. 8.
Devlin, M. and Davies, M. (2008, January 15). In Vogue. (on interdisciplinarity). Campus Review 18 (1) p. 7.
Davies, M and Devlin, M. (2007, October 31). Understanding the disciplinary cycle. The Australian. p. 30.
Devlin, M. (2007, October 22). The scholarship of teaching. The Age (Education section), p.2.
Devlin, M. (2007, October 3). Group work assessments The Australian University Teaching Supplement, p.5.
Devlin, M. (2007, September 3). On students’ contribution to their university education. The Age(Education) p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2007, August 19-September 3). Balancing study and life. The University of Melbourne Voice 1(12) p. 4
Devlin, M. (2007, August 6). on encouraging student participation in tutorials. The Age (Education section), p.2.
Devlin, M. (2007, July 16). on the use of online lecture notes. The Age (Education section), p.2.
Devlin, M. (2007, June 18) on managing finances/part-time work in addition to study, The Age Ed p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2007, May 14). on improving your publication record. The Age (Education section), p.2.
Devlin, M. (2007, April 16). column on managing inequitable contributions to group work, The Age Ed p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2007, March 20). Costs too much to bear. (on student finances). Campus Review 17 (11), p. 5.
Devlin, M. (2007, February 19). on managing an unsuccessful promotion application The Age (Education) p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2006, November 27). column on dealing with a depressed teenage son, The Age (Education) p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2006, October 30). column on improving teaching, The Age (Education section) p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2006, October 23). Educational Quandary. on managing exam success, The Age (Education) p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2006, August 21). Educational Quandary first year transition/depression, The Age (Education) p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2006, August 7). on how to manage information overload, The Age (Education section) p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2006, July 24). A column on part time work and catching up, The Age (Education section) p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2006, July 19). Experts welcome changes to LTPF. Campus Review, 16(28), p.1.
Devlin, M. (2006, June 12). column on bullying in universities, The Age (Education section) p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2006, June 5). column on competing priorities for first year students, The Age (Education) p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2006, May 23). column on student binge drinking, The Age (Education) p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2006, May 1). column on transition to university and/or working or travelling, The Age (Ed) p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2006, March 27). column on moving from industry to teaching in higher education, The Age (Ed) p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2006, March 1). Teaching the teacher. Campus Review 16(6), pp 8-9.
Devlin, M. (2005, December 12). A bit of preparation will help you remain stress-free. The Age, p. 11.
Devlin, M. (2005, December 7). Performance is everything. Campus Review 15 (48), p. 7.
Devlin, M. (2005, November 30). Outside on the Inside. Campus Review 15 (47), p.11.
Devlin, M. and James, R. (2005, November 16) Challenges in Indigenous Education. Campus Review 15 (45), 7.
Devlin, M. (2005, October 19). Asking the Question: Y. Campus Review 15 (41), p. 11.
Devlin. M. (2005, October 17). Educational Quandary on managing workload, The Age (Education section) p. 2.
Devlin. M. (2005, October 10). Educational Quandary on studying versus cramming, The Age (Education) p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2005, September 21). Coming Together. on interdisciplinary research in Campus Review 15(38), 5.
Devlin, M. (2005, September 21). Supervising your supervisor Campus Review 15(37), p. 14.
Devlin, M. (2005, September 21). Surviving the postgrad experience. Campus Review 15(37), p. 15.
Devlin, M. (2005, September 21). Managing the rough spots. Campus Review 15(37), p. 16.
Devlin, M. (2005, September 10-11). Teamwork will pay off. The Weekend Australian p. 8.
Devlin. M. (2005, September 5). Educational Quandary on postgraduate teaching, The Age (Education) p. 2.
Devlin. M. (2005, August 15). Educational Quandary. On securing ongoing employment, The Age (Ed) p. 2.
Devlin. M. (2005, August 1). Educational Quandary on international student adjustment The Age (Ed) p. 2.
Devlin. M. (2005, July 27). All in a name. Campus Review 15(29) p. 12.
Devlin, M. (2005, July 26-27). Match course to you. ‘Your Degree’ in The Weekend Australian. p. 2.
Devlin. M. (2005, July 11). Educational Quandary on part-time staff exploitation in The Age (Education) p. 2.
Devlin. M. (2005, June 13). Educational Quandary on mature age study in The Age (Education section) p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2005, May 23). Educational Quandary on managing exam nerves in The Age (Education section) p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2005, May 2). Educational Quandary on plagiarism in The Age (Education section) p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2005, April 18). Educational Quandary on transition to university in The Age (Education section) p. 2.
Devlin, M. (2005, March 30). Climbing through the ranks of academia. Campus Review 15(12). p. 9.
Hare, J. and Devlin, M. (2005, May 25). The hunt for Australia’s new vice-chancellors. Campus Review 15(20) 8-9
Devlin, M. (2004, December 13) Hitting the ground running. The Age Tertiary ENTER Guide, p. 9.
Devlin, M. (2004, August 25-31) You’re doing a PhD on what? Campus Review 14 (33), p. 10.
Devlin, M. (2004, August 16). When policy gets Snarked. The Age (Education section). p. 8.
Devlin, M. (2003, November 12-18). The problem with plagiarism. Campus Review 12 (44), pp. 4-5.
Devlin, M. (2003, October 13). Making that uni choice. 1000-word article in The Age (Education section). pp 4-5.
Devlin, M. (2003, February 12). Making the leap to uni life. 1200-word article in The Age (Education). p.16.
Devlin, M. (2003, October 13). Making that uni choice. 1000-word article in The Age (Education section). pp 4-5.
Devlin, M. (2003, February 12). Making the leap to uni life. 1200-word article in The Age (Education). p.16.
Devlin, M. (1996, June 4). Stand tall, speak out. The Age (Education section). p. 18.
Devlin, M. (1996, April 30). The academic approach to reading. The Age (Education section). p. 24.
Devlin, M. (1995, November 6). The home straight. The Age (Education section). p. 19.
Devlin, M. (1995, October 16). Dealing with anxiety. The Age (Education section). p. 34.
Devlin, M. (1995, October 9). Exam time: don’t let common sense desert you. The Age (Education section). p. 18.
Quotes: Radio, TV and in online/print media (excluding press releases)
- On regional equity of access to professional learning, WinTV and 3BA radio, August 8, 2024
- On equity policy development in Australian higher education, Times Higher Education, November 1, 2023.
- On federal Minister’s remarks about teachers (Op. Ed), The Age, March 24, 2022
- On beating sexism in the academy Times Higher Education, May 14, 2021.
- On the success of the innovative Block model during COVID-19, The Australian, May 12, 2020
- On reimagining traditional learning and teaching approaches, Campus Review, September 12, 2019.
- On lessons for transforming education. Campus Review, June 7, 2019.
- On students choosing to study what they enjoy regardless of high ATARs. Sydney Morning Herald, February 14, 2019.
- On Victoria University’s reforms. Australian Financial Review, Robert Bolton, February 11, 2019.
- On the success of Victoria University’s transformational new Block Model of education and progress on the Enterprise Agreement negotiations. The Australian, Sian Powell, January 23, 2019.
- On the VU Guarantee to a place. The Australian, September 19, 2018.
- On students dropping out of university. Big Ideas, ABC Radio, July-August, 2018.
- On reducing violence. Star Weekly. August, 2018.
- On women in executive leadership. Universities Australia, October 30, 2017.
- On micro credentialing for regional students. Media Centre for Education Research, May 1, 2017
- On my research on regional student attrition on radio ABC Gippsland, April 3, 2017.
- On financial stress driving regional student drop out in The Australian, March 29, 2017.
- On typical university students, in response to my article in The Conversation. ABC Gippsland Radio, March 1, 2017.
- On typical university students, ABC Canberra, in response to an article in The Conversation, February 28, 2017.
- On growth and completions at FedUni. The Courier.
- On the growth of first preferences for FedUni from students in 2017 and reasons for slower completions of regional students. ABC Western Victoria. January 19, 2017.
- On completion rates of university students. The Age. January 18, 2017.
- On completion rates of regional students compared to metropolitan students. Breakfast with Red Symons ABC. January 18, 2017
- On regional and remote students, equity and a pop-up panel at the National Press Club. Campus Review. November 22, 2016
- On how the university looks after the needs of First in Family students. The Courier. June 21, 2016.
- On how FedUni Gippsland campus has grown student numbers since the merger with Monash Gippsland. ABC Gippsland. March 16, 2016
- On how parents can best support new university students. ABC Gippsland. February 24, 2016.
- On the three research grants won by FedUni from the HEPPP National Priorities Pool. Radio and Digital ABC Gippsland. February 10, 2016.
- On funding for students from low SES backgrounds in the Horsham area. Buloke Times. February 9, 2016.
- On two research grants I won related to the support of students from low SES backgrounds. La Trobe Valley Express. Feb 8, 2016.
- On ‘High Degree Cheating’. Radio National Life Matters, April 13, 2015.
- On ATARs. ABC News24 TV, January 23, 2015
- On branding of the university. ABC News Gippsland. January 21, 2015.
- On ATARs. The Age. January 20, 2015.
- On options for tertiary students. WIN TV News, January 19, 2015
- On ATARs. 3AW with Tom Elliott. January 19, 2015
- On the use of ATARs and entry requirements. January 19, 2015 Mornings with Jon Faine.
- On the increase in direct applications. The Age, January, 19, 2015.
- On the acceptance of students with low ATARs. 3BA. January 19, 2015.
- On ATAR scores. The Australian. January 19, 2015.
- On life after Year 12/The ATAR. Radio National Life Matters, October 17, 2014.
- On attrition rates from universities. The Age, March 30, 2014.
- On the launch of Federation University Australia. ABC Radio Ballarat, January, 2014.
- On the launch of Federation Online. ABC Radio Gippsland, 15 October 2013.
- On the return of mature age women to study. Prevention Magazine. September, 2012.
- On the retention of students from low socioeconomic status in The Age on May 1, 2012.
- On leadership of teaching and learning in universities in Campus Review on March 12, 2012.
- On the use of staff student ratios as a measure of teaching quality in The Australian on February 15, 2012.
- On enrolment in regional campuses in The Australian on February 1, 2012, p. 23.
- On how students might manage if they don’t get the tertiary entrance score they want, need or expect (‘Different Pathways’) on Life Matters, ABC radio, interviewed by Richard Aedy, 12th December, 2011.
- On the deregulated market and course structure in The Age On November 22, 2011.
- On the judicious use of humour in the classroom/teaching, 8 September, 2011, in Melbourne City News 2(8), p.15.
- On drop-out rates for disadvantaged students, 1 September, 2011, in The Australian.
- On location as a measure of equity, 5 July, 2011, in The Australian.
- On the national project I am leading on teaching and supporting students from low socioeconomic backgrounds, In ALTC News, 1 May, 2011
- On DEEWR statistics on applications from students from low socioeconomic backgrounds, 2 May, 2011, in Campus Review 21(8), p. 8.
- On women in the professoriate, 1 March, 2011, in The Age.
- On the relationship between entry scores and demand for disciplines, 24 February, 2011 in The Brisbane Times.
- On student poverty, 8 February, 2011, in Campus Review, p. 13.
- On a national grant to examine teaching and supporting students from low socioeconomic backgrounds at university, December 8, 2010 in The Australian.
- On students considering studying at university from primary school onwards, November 24, 2010, in The Australian.
- On what makes a university ‘great’, November 9, 2010, in The Age.
- On university funding and quality, October 25, 2010, in The Australian.
- On underfunding of universities, October 23, 2010, in The Australian.
- On the costs of university drop-out rates, October 20, 2010 in The Australian.
- On school equity outreach programs, October 13, 2010, in The Australian.
- On Australia’s performance on international university rankings, September 15, 2010 in The Australian.
- On the potential effects of the outcome of the federal election on higher education, 23 August, 2010 in Campus Review.
- On Go8 suggestions about the future of higher education, 21 June, 2010, in Campus Review.
- On unified protocols for the tertiary sector in Australia, 26 April, 2010, in Campus Review.
- On the Group of Eight proposal to make changes to the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships program (HEPPP), March 24, 2010, in The Australian.
- On the My University website proposal, March 16, 2010, in Campus Review.
- On the My University website proposal, March 3, 2010, in The Australian.
- On the federal government’s proposed indicators for measuring teaching quality. January 13, 2010, in The Australian.
- On the federal government direction and performance in relation to higher education, December 14, 2009, in Campus Review.
- On figures for university participation and completion by gender and socioeconomic status, September 14, 2009 in Campus Review.
- On compacts to be negotiated between universities and the government, August 5, 2009 in The Australian
- On Indigenous Vocational Education and Training participation, July 13, 2009, in Campus Review.
- On sessional teaching and student engagement, May 13, 2009 in The Australian.
- On the federal government’s equity targets, May 6, 2009 in The Australian.
- On international rankings, April 22, 2009 in The Australian.
- On curriculum renewal in universities, April 6, 2009, in Campus Review.
- On Christopher Pyne’s Higher Education Congress speech on equity, March 30, 2009, in Campus Review.
- On improvement in Indigenous school completion, in Campus Review.
- On Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s speech on equity in March 2009 on ABC Radio.
- On Indigenous students, March 3, 2009, on National Indigenous Radio Service Satellite News Service.
- On the Bradley Review of higher education, September 10, 2008, in The Australian.
- On a national approach to improving equity, August 13, 2008, in The Australian.
- On minimum standards of equity for all universities, July 30, 2008, in The Australian.
- On a proposed national equity performance fund, July 23, 2008, in The Australian.