2023 |
Keynote Address: The (new) leader’s dozen. Principal’s Executive Network, Independent Schools Victoria. (November, 2023). |
Keynote Address: Empowering academic women to build career success, despite the odds. Women Researcher’s Network, RMIT University (October, 2023) |
Keynote Address: Building a career in academia as a woman. Writing, Networking and Women in Academia Forum, Deakin University (September, 2023) |
Keynote Address: Becoming a school leader. Inner East Melbourne Principal’s Executive Network dinner (August, 2023) |
Opening keynote address: You’re still standing. Business Managers Victoria Leadership Conference (May, 2023) |
Expert Panel: High Achieving Leading Teachers and the Teaching Excellence Program, Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership HALT Summit (May, 2023) |
Expert Panel: Attracting new teachers to the profession. The Age Schools Summit (April 2023) |
Expert Panel: Cracking the Code. Victorian Department of Education International Women’s Day event (March, 2023) |
Expert Interview: Women in university leadership. Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences. University of Melbourne (February, 2023) |
Expert Panel: Our collective responsibility to ensure school teaching and leadership practices are of the highest quality. Teaching Excellence Program Opening Conference. (February, 2023) |
2022 |
Invited Presentation: Ensuring high quality teaching and student outcomes through Tech Schools.Victorian Tech Schools Forum (December, 2023) |
Expert Panel: Support for educators in Victoria. The Digital Promise North America Tour (November, 2022) |
Opening keynote address: Flourishing in education in challenging times. Victoria University Polytechnic all staff development day (November, 2022) |
Invited Keynote: Effective Learning and Teaching: Collaborating with colleagues, industry and students. Melbourne Polytechnic Thought Leadership Series (August, 2022) |
Invited address: Tech and Teachers: Delivering Professional Development Beyond Compliance. EdTech Melbourne (August, 2022) |
Invited address: Introduction to the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership. Victorian Association of Secondary School Principals (July 2022) |
Opening keynote address: Education’s New Normal: Teaching and Learning Continuity Amid and Beyond the Pandemic. Third Virtual Campus Forum (July, 2022). |
Keynote address: Flourishing sustainably in challenging times. Staff Development Day, St Kevin’s School Melbourne (May, 2022). |
Expert Panel: Staff Development Day, St Kevin’s School Melbourne (May. 2022). |
Invited address: The education landscape. Independent Schools Victoria Leading Learning program (May, 2022). |
Keynote address: Breaking the Bias and Beating the Odds. Association for Tertiary Education Managers: Women in Higher Education Leadership Symposium (March, 2022) |
Expert Panel: Adapting teacher education to the future needs of Australia. The Age Schools Summit. (March, 2022) |
Keynote address: Beating the Odds. HEDx Live & Beating the Odds Book Launch Brisbane, March |
Keynote address: Beating the Gender Odds. International Women’s Day Event, Queensland University of Technology. (March, 2022) |
2021 |
Keynote address: Personal sustainability in challenging times: Ideas to build grit, resilience and optimism. Australia and New Zealand Student Services Association Annual Conference (November, 2021). |
Invited Keynote Address: Respect at Work: A reasonable objective. Translational Research Institute, Queensland (October 2021) |
Invited Workshop: Practical strategies for women to progress their academic careers. Charles Darwin University. (September 2021) |
Invited Workshop: Practical strategies for women to progress their academic careers. University of Tasmania (September 2021) |
Invited Address: Women in Leadership. Kaplan Business School MBA national cohort (August 2021) |
Invited Expert Panelist: Reflections on resilience. Australian Schools Women’s Leadership Summit. Women in Leadership Australia (June 2021) |
Invited Panel Member: Advocating for Equity. Equity Practitioner Higher Education Association (Australia and New Zealand) (May, 2021) |
Invited Seminar: Who’s minding the children? The University of Queensland equity seminar series (March, 2021) |
Invited Panel Member Psycho-social support for students in a post-COVID world. International ‘Phygital’ Education Summit, Bangladesh (March, 2021) |
2020 |
Invited Expert Panelist: Capability+ Launch: The Evolution of Work. Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (October, 2020) |
Invited Panel Presentation: The Student Experience. Universities Australia Conference, (February, 2020) |
2019 |
Invited Panel Presentation: Women in leadership in non-traditional areas. Women in Leadership Australia, Melbourne, August 2019 |
Invited Presentation: Leading University-Wide Transformational Change. EduTECH, Sydney, June 2019 |
2018 |
Invited Panel Presentation and ABC radio: Dropping Out. Grattan Institute and Big Ideas, Melbourne, June 2018. Subsequently aired numerous times over 2018/2019 on ABC Big Ideas |
Invited Presentation: Managing Career Successes and Challenges: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. The Australian Higher Education Women in Leadership Summit, Sydney, June 2018 |
Invited Presentation: Universities Australia Executive Women. Regional Universities Network Executive Women, Melbourne, April, 2018. |
Invited Presentation: Launch of the Universities Australia Executive Women Best Practice Gender Diversity Recruitment Guide. Universities Australia Conference, Canberra March 2018. |
Invited Panel Member: The Clever Country: Supporting Regional and Remote Student Success. Universities Australia Conference, March 2018. |
2017 |
Keynote Address: Degrees of Difference – Teaching Matters. University of Tasmania Annual Learning and Teaching Conference. November 2017 |
Invited Presentation: Women in Leadership. Beta Alpha Psi Victorian student association. Monash University. 27 September 2017 |
Invited Panel Member: Women in STEM: Creating collaborative educational platforms that drive engagement and retention. Future-Proofing STEM Industries Summit. Sydney, 20 September 2017 |
Invited Speaker: Great Leadership: It’s not really about you. Australian Institute of Management 2017 Fellow’s Breakfast. Melbourne May 23, 2017 |
Invited Panel Member: Managing personal and professional priorities. Women in Higher Education Leadership Summit. Melbourne, February 14-15, 2017 |
2016 |
Invited Panel Host: Facilitating an Innovative Future through Equity. NCSEHE National Forum, Press Club, Canberra, November 28, 2016 |
Invited Graduate Speaker: Reflections on the Company Directors Course. Australian Institute of Company Directors Company Directors Course Graduation, February 25, 2016. |
Invited Speaker: Overcoming challenges and obstacles to leadership advancement. Women in Higher Education Leadership Summit. Melbourne, February 17, 2016 |
2015 |
Keynote Speaker: Making sense of higher education: Sociocultural considerations. Digital Learning Research Network conference, Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA, October 18, 2015 |
Invited Panel Speaker Digital Learning Research Network conference, Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA,October 17, 2015 |
Invited Speaker: Launch of the Codes Combined 2015 special issue of ‘Sport and Society Cultures, Commerce, Media and Politics Journal’. MADE Museum, Ballarat, September 1, 2015 |
Invited International Speaker: Research in higher education learning, teaching and curriculum. Society for Research in Higher Education 50th Anniversary Forum, London, June. |
Invited Speaker: Launch of the BA@Community at Pheonix College, Ballarat, May 22, 2015 |
2014 |
Invited Panel Speaker: ‘New Frontiers in Tertiary Education: Coping with Reforms and Challenges’, AAIR Forum, Melbourne, November 21, 2014 |
Invited Speaker: The value of volunteering. Golden Key Honour Society Conference, Federation University Australia, April, 2014. |
Invited Speaker: Leading the changing role of the teaching workforce. Institutional Strategies for Blended Learning Conference, Sydney, March 26, 2014. |
Invited Panel Speaker: Defining the future academic workforce. Institutional Strategies for Blended Learning Conference, Sydney, March 26, 2014 |
Invited Speaker: Effective teaching and support for students from low socioeconomic status backgrounds: Recent national research findings. Charles Darwin University, Darwin, March. |
Invited speaker: Engaging Future Students. Melbourne Institute of Technology Planning Day, Daylesford, January 17, 2014 |
2013 |
Keynote Speaker: Innovation in Changing Times: What role for eStudentServices and eSupport students from low socioeconomic status? Annual conference of the Australia and New Zealand Student Services Association (ANZSSA) December 3, 2013 |
Invited Workshop Leader: Imagining futures in student services and support. Annual conference of theAustralia and New Zealand Student Services Association December 2, 2013. |
Keynote Speaker: Learning connections for students from low socioeconomic status: Recent research findings relevant to tertiary learning advisors. Association of Tertiary Learning Advisors of Aotearoa New Zealand (ATLAANZ), November 29, 2013 |
Invited Panel Host: Vice-Chancellor’s Panel, Regional University Network Conference, Nov 15 |
Visiting Scholar/Keynote Speaker: Effective Teaching and Support for students from low socioeconomic status backgrounds, Southern Cross University, 28-30 October. |
Invited Speaker: Inclusive teaching for university students from low socioeconomic status backgrounds: Recent national research findings. La Trobe University, October 24, 2013. |
Visiting Scholar/Invited Speaker: Assessment in a Digital Age, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, October 16-18, 2013 |
Keynote Opening Address: Launch of the Science, Health and Engineering Education Research Centre (the SHEER Centre), RMIT, Melbourne, September 24, 2013. |
Invited Address: The future of assessment in Australian universities. Transforming Assessment in a Digital Era. Melbourne, July 31, 2013. |
2012 |
Invited Address: Leading the changing teaching workforce. Digital Futures in Higher Education conference, Sydney, November 13-14, 2012. |
Invited Panel Presentation: Student Success. Digital Futures in Higher Education conference, Sydney, November 13-14, 2012. |
Keynote Address: Transition, achievement and retention of students from low socioeconomic and first generation backgrounds: Findings from a national study. Monash University. |
Keynote Address: Inclusive teaching in Australian higher education: Findings from a national study.Learning and Teaching Expo, RMIT University, 28 August. |
Keynote Address: Effective teaching and support of students from low socioeconomic status backgrounds: Findings from a national study. The University of Sydney, 8 August. |
Invited Panel Presentation: The future of higher education: An Australian perspective. Athens Institute for Education and Research Human Development Research Division, Research Unit of Education14th Annual International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece, May 22. |
Invited Workshop: Practical strategies for engaging non-traditional students. Informa Student Satisfaction Conference, Sydney, May 7. |
Invited Presentation: Ensuring retention and success of students from low socioeconomic status backgrounds. Interconnected Tertiary Education conference, Melbourne, March. |
Invited Panel Presentation: The validity and reliability of proposed national performance indicators. Higher Education Evaluation Roundtable. University of Western Sydney, February. |
Invited Presentation: Effective teaching and support of students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Victorian/Tasmanian-Based Promoting Excellence Network Workshop, Monash University, February 8, 2012 [with J. Ryan]. |
2011 |
Invited Keynote Address: Facilitating success for non-traditional students: Possible futures. Association of Academic Language and Learning, University of South Australia, November. |
Invited Keynote Address: Tertiary education: Where are we headed?, Trinity College, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, September. |
Invited panel member: Education Research Group of Adelaide (ERGA) conference, the University of Adelaide, September. |
Invited Lecture Peer Review of Research and Teaching: Perspectives, Policy and Practicalities., City University, Hong Kong, May. |
Invited Presentation on The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Faculty of Law SHELLJ Research Workshop, Queensland University of Technology, February. |
2010 |
Closing Keynote address Widening participation and facilitating success: Policy and practice in Australian higher education. E-portfolio Australia Conference, Melbourne, November. |
Keynote address, Teaching and learning as a site for scholarship and research, Teaching and Learning conference, University of New England, September. |
Invited workshop What’s the point of feedback in assessment?, University of New England, September. |
Keynote address Socially inclusive higher education teaching and curriculum in the post-Bradley era. Charles Sturt University, September. |
Invited Workshop Practical strategies to enhancing student engagement in a diverse context. Charles Sturt University, September. |
Invited Address to Academic Board Widening participation and maintaining academic standards: The impossible dream?, Swinburne University, August. |
Keynote Address. Non-traditional student achievement: Theory, policy and practice in Australian higher education. First Year in Higher Education conference, Adelaide, June. |
2009 |
Keynote Address Non-traditional student success at university: Are we serious?, Monash University Transition, Retention and Progression Forum, December.[Julia Gillard was first keynote]. |
Keynote Address Student engagement in Australian tertiary education: What role for libraries? CAVAL Research Interest Group, Melbourne, November. |
Keynote Address Student feedback in the Australian higher education policy context. Education Research Group of Adelaide Annual Conference, University of Adelaide, September. |
Invited Panel Presentation Student feedback. Education Research Group of Adelaide Annual Conference, University of Adelaide, September. |
Invited Speaker, Assessment, Faculty of Business, University of Southern Queensland, September. |
Invited Speaker, Assessment, Faculty of Arts, University of Southern Queensland, September. |
Keynote Address Assessment of and for Learning: Policy and practice in Australian higher education, QUT Teaching and Learning Seminar Series, Faculty of Health, August. |
Keynote Address An institution-wide and evidence-based approach to enhancing university student engagement. Ako Aotearoa/ACER National Student Engagement Forum, New Zealand. |
Invited Workshop Practical strategies for enhancing university student engagement. Ako Aotearoa/ACER National Student Engagement Forum, The University of Auckland, New Zealand. |
Invited Presentation The post-Bradley tertiary education world. Association for Tertiary Education Management (ATEM), Melbourne, Australia, April. |
Invited Paper Indigenous student equity: Focusing on what works. Launch of the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, The University of South Australia, February. |
Keynote Address Low socioeconomic status and Indigenous background: Implications for first year curriculum. First Year Experience Curriculum Design Symposium, QUT, Australia, February. |
2008 and earlier |
Invited Lecture Learning theories and interdisciplinary epistemologies. International Frontiers in Higher Education Conference National University of Singapore, Singapore, December. |
Invited Workshop Improving teaching. International Frontiers in Higher Education Conference National University of Singapore, Singapore, December. |
Invited Seminar Ensuring the Quality of Higher Education Research. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, December. |
Invited workshop Criteria for use in Peer Review of Teaching. The University of Melbourne, December |
Keynote Address An international and interdisciplinary approach to curriculum: The Melbourne Model. Universitas 21 Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, February. |
Invited Seminar Minimising Plagiarism. Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, September. |
Keynote Address Improving teaching in tertiary education: Institutional and individual influences. Excellence in Education and Training Convention, Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore, August. |
Invited Workshop Improving teaching in tertiary education: Individual approaches. Excellence in Education and Training Convention, Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore, August. |
Keynote Address The scholarship of teaching in Australian higher education: A national imperative. Vice-Chancellors Colloquium, The University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia, May. |
Invited Workshop Innovative Assessment. University-wide Assessment Forum, University of South Australia, November. |
Invited Panel Presentation Innovative Assessment. University-wide Assessment Forum, University of South Australia, November. |
Invited Workshop for academic staff from 34 Australian universities, held at the University of Tasmania. Evaluating academic development work. [with N. Trivett, J. McKenzie K. Martinez], October |
Invited workshop Group and Peer Assessment. University of the Sunshine Coast, November |
Invited Presentation Deterring plagiarism in universities. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Institutional Forum, Sydney, Australia, March. |