Invited addresses/Expert panels

Invited Graduation Speaker: Melbourne Institute of Technology (November, 2024)
Panel Moderator: Panel on equity outcomes from the University Accord. Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success (ACSES) formerly NCSEHE, Sydney (April, 2024)
Expert Panel: on the future of higher education and universities. HEDx Conference, Melbourne (March, 2024)
Book Launch Panel: for the book Universities in Times of Crisis and Disruption by Lorraine Ling and Kay Livingston (February 2024)
Keynote Address: The (new) leader’s dozen. Principal’s Executive Network, Independent Schools Victoria. (November, 2023).
Keynote Address: Empowering academic women to build career success, despite the odds. Women Researcher’s Network, RMIT University (October, 2023)
Keynote Address: Building a career in academia as a woman. Writing, Networking and Women in Academia Forum, Deakin University (September, 2023)
Keynote Address: Becoming a school leader. Inner East Melbourne Principal’s Executive Network dinner (August, 2023)
Opening keynote address: You’re still standing. Business Managers Victoria Leadership Conference (May, 2023)
Expert Panel: High Achieving Leading Teachers and the Teaching Excellence Program, Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership HALT Summit (May, 2023)
Expert Panel: Attracting new teachers to the profession. The Age Schools Summit (April 2023)
Expert Panel: Cracking the Code. Victorian Department of Education International Women’s Day event (March, 2023)
Expert Interview: Women in university leadership. Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences. University of Melbourne (February, 2023)
Expert Panel: Our collective responsibility to ensure school teaching and leadership practices are of the highest quality. Teaching Excellence Program Opening Conference. (February, 2023)
Invited Presentation: Ensuring high quality teaching and student outcomes through Tech Schools.Victorian Tech Schools Forum (December, 2023)
Expert Panel: Support for educators in Victoria. The Digital Promise North America Tour (November, 2022)
Opening keynote address: Flourishing in education in challenging times. Victoria University Polytechnic all staff development day (November, 2022)
Invited Keynote: Effective Learning and Teaching: Collaborating with colleagues, industry and students. Melbourne Polytechnic Thought Leadership Series (August, 2022)
Invited address: Tech and Teachers: Delivering Professional Development Beyond Compliance. EdTech Melbourne (August, 2022)
Invited address: Introduction to the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership. Victorian Association of Secondary School Principals (July 2022)
Opening keynote address: Education’s New Normal: Teaching and Learning Continuity Amid and Beyond the Pandemic. Third Virtual Campus Forum (July, 2022).
Keynote address: Flourishing sustainably in challenging times. Staff Development Day, St Kevin’s School Melbourne (May, 2022).
Expert Panel: Staff Development Day, St Kevin’s School Melbourne (May. 2022).
Invited address: The education landscape. Independent Schools Victoria Leading Learning program (May, 2022).
Keynote address: Breaking the Bias and Beating the Odds. Association for Tertiary Education Managers: Women in Higher Education Leadership Symposium (March, 2022)
Expert Panel: Adapting teacher education to the future needs of Australia. The Age Schools Summit. (March, 2022)
Keynote address: Beating the Odds. HEDx Live & Beating the Odds Book Launch Brisbane, March
Keynote address: Beating the Gender Odds. International Women’s Day Event, Queensland University of Technology. (March, 2022)
Keynote address: Personal sustainability in challenging times: Ideas to build grit, resilience and optimism. Australia and New Zealand Student Services Association Annual Conference (November, 2021).
Invited Keynote Address: Respect at Work: A reasonable objective. Translational Research Institute, Queensland (October 2021)
Invited Workshop: Practical strategies for women to progress their academic careers. Charles Darwin University. (September 2021)
Invited Workshop: Practical strategies for women to progress their academic careers. University of Tasmania (September 2021)
Invited Address: Women in Leadership. Kaplan Business School MBA national cohort (August 2021)
Invited Expert Panelist: Reflections on resilience. Australian Schools Women’s Leadership Summit. Women in Leadership Australia (June 2021)
Invited Panel Member: Advocating for Equity. Equity Practitioner Higher Education Association (Australia and New Zealand) (May, 2021)
Invited Seminar: Who’s minding the children? The University of Queensland equity seminar series (March, 2021)
Invited Panel Member Psycho-social support for students in a post-COVID world. International ‘Phygital’ Education Summit, Bangladesh (March, 2021)
Invited Expert Panelist: Capability+ Launch: The Evolution of Work. Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (October, 2020)
Invited Panel Presentation: The Student Experience. Universities Australia Conference, (February, 2020)
Invited Panel Presentation: Women in leadership in non-traditional areas. Women in Leadership Australia, Melbourne, August 2019
Invited Presentation: Leading University-Wide Transformational Change. EduTECH, Sydney, June  2019
Invited Panel Presentation and ABC radio: Dropping Out. Grattan Institute and Big Ideas, Melbourne, June 2018. Subsequently aired numerous times over 2018/2019 on ABC Big Ideas
Invited Presentation: Managing Career Successes and Challenges: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. The Australian Higher Education Women in Leadership Summit, Sydney, June 2018
Invited Presentation: Universities Australia Executive Women. Regional Universities Network Executive Women, Melbourne, April, 2018.
Invited Presentation: Launch of the Universities Australia Executive Women Best Practice Gender Diversity Recruitment Guide. Universities Australia Conference, Canberra March 2018.
Invited Panel Member: The Clever Country: Supporting Regional and Remote Student Success. Universities Australia Conference, March 2018.
Keynote Address: Degrees of Difference – Teaching MattersUniversity of Tasmania Annual Learning and Teaching Conference. November 2017
Invited Presentation: Women in LeadershipBeta Alpha Psi Victorian student association. Monash University. 27 September 2017
Invited Panel Member: Women in STEM: Creating collaborative educational platforms that drive engagement and retention. Future-Proofing STEM Industries Summit. Sydney, 20 September 2017
Invited Speaker: Great Leadership: It’s not really about youAustralian Institute of Management 2017 Fellow’s Breakfast. Melbourne May 23, 2017
Invited Panel Member: Managing personal and professional prioritiesWomen in Higher Education Leadership Summit. Melbourne, February 14-15, 2017
Invited Panel Host: Facilitating an Innovative Future through Equity. NCSEHE National Forum, Press Club, Canberra, November 28, 2016
Invited Graduate Speaker: Reflections on the Company Directors Course. Australian Institute of Company Directors Company Directors Course Graduation, February 25, 2016.
Invited Speaker: Overcoming challenges and obstacles to leadership advancement. Women in Higher Education Leadership Summit. Melbourne, February 17, 2016
Keynote Speaker: Making sense of higher education: Sociocultural considerations. Digital Learning Research Network conference, Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA, October 18, 2015
Invited Panel Speaker Digital Learning Research Network conference, Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA,October 17, 2015
Invited Speaker: Launch of the Codes Combined 2015 special issue of ‘Sport and Society Cultures, Commerce, Media and Politics Journal’MADE MuseumBallarat, September 1, 2015
Invited International Speaker: Research in higher education learning, teaching and curriculum. Society for Research in Higher Education 50th Anniversary Forum, London, June.
Invited Speaker: Launch of the BA@Community at Pheonix College, Ballarat, May 22, 2015
Invited Panel Speaker: ‘New Frontiers in Tertiary Education: Coping with Reforms and Challenges’, AAIR ForumMelbourne, November 21, 2014
Invited Speaker: The value of volunteering. Golden Key Honour Society Conference, Federation University Australia, April, 2014.
Invited Speaker: Leading the changing role of the teaching workforce. Institutional Strategies for Blended Learning Conference, Sydney, March 26, 2014.
Invited Panel Speaker: Defining the future academic workforce.  Institutional Strategies for Blended Learning Conference, Sydney, March 26, 2014
Invited Speaker: Effective teaching and support for students from low socioeconomic status backgrounds: Recent national research findings. Charles Darwin University, Darwin, March.
Invited speaker: Engaging Future Students.  Melbourne Institute of Technology Planning Day, Daylesford, January 17, 2014
Keynote Speaker: Innovation in Changing Times: What role for eStudentServices and eSupport students from low socioeconomic status? Annual conference of the Australia and New Zealand Student Services Association (ANZSSA) December 3, 2013
Invited Workshop Leader: Imagining futures in student services and support. Annual conference of theAustralia and New Zealand Student Services Association December 2, 2013.
Keynote Speaker: Learning connections for students from low socioeconomic status: Recent research findings relevant to tertiary learning advisors. Association of Tertiary Learning Advisors of Aotearoa New Zealand (ATLAANZ), November 29, 2013
Invited Panel Host: Vice-Chancellor’s Panel, Regional University Network Conference, Nov 15
Visiting Scholar/Keynote Speaker: Effective Teaching and Support for students from low socioeconomic status backgrounds, Southern Cross University, 28-30 October.
Invited Speaker: Inclusive teaching for university students from low socioeconomic status backgrounds: Recent national research findings. La Trobe University, October 24, 2013.
Visiting Scholar/Invited Speaker: Assessment in a Digital Age, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, October 16-18, 2013
Keynote Opening Address: Launch of the Science, Health and Engineering Education Research Centre (the SHEER Centre), RMIT, Melbourne, September 24, 2013.
Invited AddressThe future of assessment in Australian universities. Transforming Assessment in a Digital Era. Melbourne, July 31, 2013.
Invited AddressLeading the changing teaching workforce. Digital Futures in Higher Education conference, Sydney, November 13-14, 2012.
Invited Panel PresentationStudent Success. Digital Futures in Higher Education conference, Sydney, November 13-14, 2012.
Keynote AddressTransition, achievement and retention of students from low socioeconomic and first generation backgrounds: Findings from a national study. Monash University.
Keynote AddressInclusive teaching in Australian higher education: Findings from a national study.Learning and Teaching Expo, RMIT University, 28 August.
Keynote AddressEffective teaching and support of students from low socioeconomic status backgrounds: Findings from a national study. The University of Sydney, 8 August.
Invited Panel Presentation: The future of higher education: An Australian perspective. Athens Institute for Education and Research Human Development Research DivisionResearch Unit of Education14th Annual International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece, May 22.
Invited WorkshopPractical strategies for engaging non-traditional students. Informa Student Satisfaction Conference, Sydney, May 7.
Invited PresentationEnsuring retention and success of students from low socioeconomic status backgrounds. Interconnected Tertiary Education conference, Melbourne, March.
Invited Panel PresentationThe validity and reliability of proposed national performance indicators. Higher Education Evaluation Roundtable. University of Western Sydney, February.
Invited PresentationEffective teaching and support of students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Victorian/Tasmanian-Based Promoting Excellence Network Workshop, Monash University, February 8, 2012 [with J. Ryan].
Invited Keynote Address:  Facilitating success for non-traditional students: Possible futures. Association of Academic Language and Learning, University of South Australia, November.
Invited Keynote AddressTertiary education: Where are we headed?, Trinity College, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, September.
Invited panel member: Education Research Group of Adelaide (ERGA) conference, the University of Adelaide, September.
Invited Lecture Peer Review of Research and Teaching: Perspectives, Policy and Practicalities., City University, Hong Kong, May.
Invited Presentation on The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Faculty of Law SHELLJ Research Workshop, Queensland University of Technology, February.
Closing Keynote address Widening participation and facilitating success: Policy and practice in Australian higher education. E-portfolio Australia Conference, Melbourne, November.
Keynote address, Teaching and learning as a site for scholarship and research, Teaching and Learning conference, University of New England, September.
Invited workshop What’s the point of feedback in assessment?,  University of New England,         September.
Keynote address Socially inclusive higher education teaching and curriculum in the post-Bradley era. Charles Sturt University, September.
Invited Workshop Practical strategies to enhancing student engagement in a diverse context. Charles Sturt University, September.
Invited Address to Academic Board Widening participation and maintaining academic standards: The impossible dream?, Swinburne University, August.
Keynote Address. Non-traditional student achievement: Theory, policy and practice in Australian higher education. First Year in Higher Education conference, Adelaide, June.
Keynote Address Non-traditional student success at university: Are we serious?, Monash University Transition, Retention and Progression Forum, December.[Julia Gillard was first keynote].
Keynote Address Student engagement in Australian tertiary education: What role for libraries? CAVAL Research Interest Group, Melbourne, November.
Keynote Address Student feedback in the Australian higher education policy context. Education Research Group of Adelaide Annual Conference, University of Adelaide, September.
Invited Panel Presentation Student feedback. Education Research Group of Adelaide Annual Conference, University of Adelaide, September.
Invited Speaker, Assessment, Faculty of Business, University of Southern Queensland, September.
Invited Speaker, Assessment, Faculty of Arts, University of Southern Queensland, September.
Keynote Address Assessment of and for Learning: Policy and practice in Australian higher education, QUT Teaching and Learning Seminar Series, Faculty of Health, August.
Keynote Address An institution-wide and evidence-based approach to enhancing university student engagement. Ako Aotearoa/ACER National Student Engagement Forum, New Zealand.
Invited Workshop Practical strategies for enhancing university student engagement. Ako Aotearoa/ACER National Student Engagement Forum, The University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Invited Presentation The post-Bradley tertiary education world. Association for Tertiary Education Management (ATEM), Melbourne, Australia, April.
Invited Paper Indigenous student equity: Focusing on what works. Launch of the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, The University of South Australia, February.
Keynote Address Low socioeconomic status and Indigenous background: Implications for first year curriculum. First Year Experience Curriculum Design Symposium, QUT, Australia, February.
2008 and earlier
Invited Lecture Learning theories and interdisciplinary epistemologies. International Frontiers in Higher Education Conference National University of Singapore, Singapore, December.
Invited Workshop Improving teaching. International Frontiers in Higher Education Conference National University of Singapore, Singapore, December.
Invited Seminar Ensuring the Quality of Higher Education Research. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, December.
Invited workshop Criteria for use in Peer Review of Teaching. The University of Melbourne,   December
Keynote Address An international and interdisciplinary approach to curriculum: The Melbourne Model. Universitas 21 Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, February.
Invited Seminar Minimising Plagiarism. Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, September.
Keynote Address Improving teaching in tertiary education: Institutional and individual influences. Excellence in Education and Training Convention, Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore, August.
Invited Workshop Improving teaching in tertiary education: Individual approaches. Excellence in Education and Training Convention, Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore, August.
Keynote Address The scholarship of teaching in Australian higher education: A national imperative. Vice-Chancellors Colloquium, The University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia, May.
Invited Workshop Innovative Assessment. University-wide Assessment Forum, University of South Australia, November.
Invited Panel Presentation Innovative Assessment. University-wide Assessment Forum, University of South Australia, November.
Invited Workshop for academic staff from 34 Australian universities, held at the University of Tasmania. Evaluating academic development work. [with N. Trivett, J. McKenzie K. Martinez], October
Invited workshop Group and Peer Assessment. University of the Sunshine Coast, November
Invited Presentation Deterring plagiarism in universities. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Institutional Forum, Sydney, Australia, March.

Blog site of Marcia Devlin, PhD, GAICD